BeTech Event Invitation 20.10.2010

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BeTech Event Invitation 20.10.2010

BETECH invites you to its second event on 20 October 2010 with a top speaker of Microsoft on cloud computing.


BeTech is a reference ICT network in Belgium where technology professionals can meet, exchange views and share experiences regarding new ICT trends

 BeTech is pleased to invite you to its second meeting with a keynote speech by Ron Zink, Associate General Counsel at Microsoft on some key regulatory and contractual challenges of cloud computing. The event will be organised at on 20 October 2010 at 6pm at the Resto Bar Club l’Axess at Tour & Taxis – Avenue du Port 86C Havenlaan,1000 Brussel. RSVP: (before 15 October 2010), effective upon payment of € 20 (drinks) or € 65 (drinks + dinner) > 734-0275573-05.

You can download the invitation here: Invitation.

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